Thursday, August 27, 2020
Firework by Katy Perry free essay sample
â€Å"Maybe the motivation behind why all the entryways are shut is so you can open one that drives you to the ideal street. Like a lightning jolt, your heart will gleam. When it’s time you’ll know.†Katy Perry is the most generous pop symbol of our age. Most importantly, Katy’s tune verses are amazingly rousing and have meaning. What's more, Perry’s contralto vocal range is a gift from the holy messengers, and has had the opportunity to create. To wrap things up, Katy Perry’s melodic style makes anybody need to haphazardly break out into unconstrained routine. This pop goddess’s melodic quality trumps all others like a rush of whipping elephants. â€Å"Baby, you’re a firecracker; c’mon give them what you’re worth.†first of all, Katy Perry’s tune arrangements aren’t simply snappy, yet her sheet music’s text is refining and raising. Last Friday Night, Firework, Hot Cold; these three hymns are Perry’s most famous tunes (as indicated by ITunes, these three melodies have all hit #1 download), and three of her most inspiring tunes also. We will compose a custom exposition test on Firecracker by Katy Perry or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Every single one of them holds an alternate style of cadence, an alternate style of verses, and an alternate style of comprehension. Keep going Friday Night centers around how life is short, so give it your everything without any second thoughts. Firecracker exhibits that each weed is as yet a blossom, and that everybody can possibly be a legend. Hot Cold, then again, addresses the significance of responsibility, and how the most grounded bond you can give somebody is your assertion. The entirety of the pop-rock tunes composed and created by Katy Elizabeth Hudson have multiple times more good criticalness than anything you’ll find in Lady Gaga or Eminem’s new collections. Toward the day's end, Katy Perry’s tune verses resemble the foundation of the mainstream society industry; without them, the business would disintegrate. As the clock struck 6:00, Gabriel and Uriel were practically finished with their task. â€Å"We must carry our creation to Him for last preparations.†Uriel clarified. As the two blessed messengers coasted through the mists towards Him with a little child young lady in their arms, they arrive at an enormous white stone structure roosted in the focal point of paradise. The trio clears their path through the cobble entryways and down a limited rich lobby towards the Supreme Being. â€Å"She is fit to be sent to Earth,†Gabriel told God as He got the baby. â€Å"Almost,†He answered, â€Å"fetch Seraphim to sing into the little one’s ears.†Katy Perry’s voice is a genuine blessing from the most noteworthy creatures. The artist’s vocal range implanted with her extremely valuable ability shapes a unique concordance. Like fine Stilton cheddar, Katy’s voice has had the opportunity to develop and form into what we as a whole hear today. She began singing in her parent’s church at 9 years old, and was later marked onto an ineffective gospel record name at 17 years old. Subsequent to recording a useless collection in 2005, Katy was dropped from Island Def Jam Music Group and got by Columbia Records in 2006. In any case, since history has a method of rehashing itself, Perry was likewise dropped from Columbia in 2007. Resolved to make it to the top, Perry performed for Capitol Music Group with just her vocals and was marked on the spot. The outcome is the Katy we as a whole know and love today. In view of exploration from TIME magazine, the odds of making it in the music business subsequent to being d ropped by two separate record marks is 1 to 314,771. Everything I can say is that when Perry is in front of an audience, her voice claims the night like the fourth of July. â€Å"TGIF, TGIF, TGIF, TGIF†¦Ã¢â‚¬ If you don’t perceive this serenade, at that point you live under a stone. To wrap things up, Katy Perry’s tune beats transform any room into an out and out Miami Beach move party. As indicated by an ongoing study in Rolling Stones, 7/10 DJs have at least one KP melody in their setups. Likewise, as indicated by a New Jersey statewide survey, 67% of all center school kids who own some sort of melodic gadget (for example Walkman, IPod, Zoom) have in any event one Perry download. â€Å"It makes me happy,†says Olivia Bergman, eighth grade understudy at VMS, â€Å"I hear it out each day.†Katy Perry’s pop stone mood illuminates the world with each beat. Music is the general language of humanity. †Jacob Anderson Katy Elizabeth Hudson is the premise of present day popular music. First of all, she doesn’t simply compose music; she composes verse. Additionally, Katy’s singing experience has helped her voice advance into a significant singing weapon. At last, Perry’s energetic style of music leaves each table turned, and each animal blissful. Envision what popular music would resemble without this motivation: no more TGIFs, no more firecrackers, not even any all the more awakening in Vegas. The music business would fall, and life would no longer have that sparkle of enchantment that is conceived at whatever point you turn on an IPod, turn on a radio, or turn on the light.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Liberal Education as a Livingstone
During when joblessness is at its most reduced since World War II, one would feel that getting a new line of work would be simple. Be that as it may, as of right now, candidates for occupations are more qualified than any other time in recent memory. The opposition for generously compensated occupations is firm, and so as to excel individuals need aptitude in one certain territory, however a general knowledge of numerous subjects also. Liberal instruction gives the general information that gives work candidates an additional edge while going after a position. With a base of information in the aesthetic sciences and a specialization in a specific territory, individuals end up being useful to bosses. All through this paper, I will utilize the term â€Å"liberal education†not just in depicting subjects like English, history, reasoning and so forth , however as Livingstone portrays liberal instruction: a training which â€Å"aims at delivering as great and complete a person as might be. †In utilizing the term â€Å"liberal education†I expect that all alumni of an aesthetic sciences school have an aptitude in talk, as the specialty of talking and composing admirably is a key concentration in the educational program. I will likewise utilize the â€Å"specialized education†concerning Livingstone†s definition: an instruction â€Å"which targets gaining a living or making money†. Students seeking after a liberal undergrad training have a bit of leeway over individuals with a particular undergrad instruction since liberal instruction gives a more noteworthy flexibility as far as a more extensive base of information so getting a new line of work and exceeding expectations in various zones is simpler. Preparing in specialty of talk, which today is characterized as the craft of talking and composing successfully, is a significant resource for work trackers. Particular undergrad educational programs center less around talk than human sciences educational programs. An individual with preparing in talk would be employed over another candidate because of their aptitude in conveying thoughts successfully through discourse and composing. Organizations mean to utilize shrewd individuals who can communicate admirably and articulately in light of the fact that in almost every calling, composing great and convincing others to one†s conclusion is fundamental: researchers need to apply for awards so as to support their examination and investigations; representatives must present recommendations and obviously, editorialists and creators who have not aced the aptitude of talk are more averse to get a new line of work and be effective as far as status and pay. Capacity to communicate unmistakably and adequately assigns to what level one may bring up in the company pecking order, for individuals with refined composing aptitudes advantage organizations to an enormous degree, while individuals with less ability recorded as a hard copy have less impact, and in this way less force. Individuals with liberal training are talented in different zones and along these lines can be of more advantage to businesses. As opposed to a specific report in one territory, a liberal instruction furnishes understudies with a wide scope of information that draws in bosses. As Virtruvius says, liberal instruction shows the understudy the association between various orders. Knowing and understanding the connection between subjects, a worker can play out a more prominent number of errands and learn new ones all the more quickly in this way being increasingly significant to an organization. Should a man lose his employment because of it turning out to be wiped out or different reasons, a liberal instruction would give a superior pad to depend on account of the decent variety of subjects contemplated. For instance, if a court transcriber loses his employment because of another sound innovation that records and word-forms court procedures, he would not need to, it could be said, begin once again for absence of information in different territories. Using his insight in talk, theory, history, and different humanities, he could secure another position without returning to class. Then again, the restriction would report that a liberal instruction would not profit numerous individuals in light of the fact that an educational program dependent on the humanities repulses numerous understudies. As opposed to take courses that lack of engagement them, understudies ought to work in subjects they appreciate. One ought not squander cash on instruction that doesn't concentrate on one†s premiums; a training that doesn't animate the understudy is bombed training. So as to make the most out of undergrad years, the understudies should contemplate what intrigues them. In reply, a liberal instruction sometimes falls short for each character or inclination. Nonetheless, in the activity showcase, having a liberal undergrad instruction and a particular alumni training gives individuals a preferred position, for in addition to the fact that they are prepared uniquely in their particular region, however they additionally have a general information on the human sciences. Understudies inspired by territories, for example, innovation and sciences should take classes that intrigue them. Notwithstanding, notwithstanding the sciences courses, talk classes would demonstrate valuable even in a logical line of study. Each occupation involves writing somehow or another, and honing one†s composing abilities possibly receives more rewards while looking for a vocation. Numerous individuals intrigued by technical studies and innovations practice during their undergrad years, and along these lines pass up preparing in talk. Authorities who take classes to improve composing are more ready and almost certain for get a new line of work. Another contention of the resistance: individuals who begin practicing during undergrad years are more ready for graduate school. They ace and exceed expectations in a single explicit territory of study. Though, it would take somebody with a general undergrad training a more drawn out time to ace a particular zone of study due to the consideration spent on wide instruction during undergrad years. Rather than burning through a great many dollars on general training, understudies could utilize the four years to have some expertise in the field that they appreciate. Liberal training may demonstrate valuable for understudies who are uncertain about their major, yet engaged understudies ought not burn through their time on general instruction. Understudies who recognize what they need to concentrate on ought to practice their instruction so as to facilitate their school time and either start an experts degree or start their vocations. It might take more time for a by and large prepared undergrad to represent considerable authority in a specific region, yet of course, in the event that they are prepared in understanding the association between various zones of study, they might have the option to get various subjects all the more rapidly. There are extremely two issues here to invalidate. To begin with, when considering, for what reason is everything such a surge? Individuals are in a rush to enter the activity power instead of to take as much time as necessary during their tutoring. I guess the response to the inquiry is cash. While individuals are in school they pay a huge number of dollars and get almost no back in examination. When they begin working they can start the recompense time frame. Tragically, the individuals who enter the workforce initially win as in they can begin taking care of their obligation, while the individuals still in school continue amassing obligation. Second, regardless of whether individuals with an aesthetic sciences training enter the workforce simultaneously, they are not off guard as far as information ability as the past contention closes. Truth be told, human sciences students might be at a slight bit of leeway regarding helpful information. For instance, two candidates for work have both had a similar alumni instruction however one (individual 1) had been prepared in the human sciences during undergrad years, and the other (individual 2) had concentrated prior. Accepting the two applicants preformed similarly in gradate school, which may not be a reasonable presumption because of individual 2†³s past information and past examination, in any case, for argument†s purpose, expect both were effective in graduate school. A business would pick individual 1 in light of the human sciences foundation on the particular alumni tutoring. A business would realize that individuals with an aesthetic sciences foundation are not just insightful in their particular line of study, yet additionally comprehend the association among disciplines, and would pick the individual with the wide base of training. In talking about human sciences preparing, one expect that each understudy who graduates has a very much evolved information on all the subjects liberal training offers. In any case, it isn't reasonable for accept that each understudy going to an aesthetic sciences undergrad school investigates each subject broadly and exceeds expectations in each class. Numerous understudies exploit the time they spend in undergrad school by celebrating on weeknights and coming to class so drained that they can't focus on the exercise, or much more terrible, they play hooky all together. This reckless conduct towards tutoring harms the students†comprehension of the material, however their evaluations too. It is time that all upperclassmen graduate with distinction as opposed to simply slide by. The impact on the network and world would be bewildering. A large number of extraordinary personalities move on from school each year and become examples of overcoming adversity like Bill Gates. Envision each undergrad mentally comparable to the most astute alumni. Our reality would be a better place. That is the spot to which we ought to endeavor, and we have connected objective when everybody accomplishes singular greatness.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why You Should Never Mass Follow Twitter Users
Why You Should Never Mass Follow Twitter Users Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Why You Should Never Mass Follow Twitter UsersUpdated On 23/04/2017Author : Vivek KrishnanTopic : TwitterShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogThe power of Social Media is something that most bloggers are beginning to experience. They can get you huge influx of traffic to your site and set up a good momentum with your email list building and affiliate sales. Twitter has exploded as one of the most powerful marketing tools that are available today. And most bloggers cannot get enough of Twitter! With the rising recognition of the fact that Twitter followers can in fact be a source of lot of money to be made everyone is trying to get as many followers as possible. There are many sites to make money with Twitter.CREDIT : FLICKRAlong with this came the unhealthy obsession of mass following users (Learn why people unfollow). This trend is so neg ative that you are actually pulling yourself backward in your blogging career instead of moving forward. When you mass follow people, you are basically defeating the purpose of followers. On the internet today, there are a lot of sites which allows a person to mass follow thousands of users at a click of a button. The blogger is incorrectly motivated by the fact that by mass following users there will be a lot of follow-backs which will result in a huge number of followers.But think again, do you really think that these users who follow you back give a damn about your tweets? In fact, many of the users in mass follow lists have set themselves to auto-follow back. This means when you follow them, they will automatically follow you back. They do not even see for themselves who they are following. Of course, many users who follow you may also be spam accounts. Mass following also results in users who are hardly related to your field or the niche topics that you tweet about.READTwitter Definitions For NewbiesRelated :Killer Tips To Increase The Number Of Your Twitter FollowersSo have you not defeated the initial purpose of following? You mass followed users because you required followers who actually read your tweets and are interested about the links that you tweet. But when you mass follow, you follow users who hardly care about who follows them or who they follow back. All you end up is getting a lot of spam links on your Twitter homepage posted by the spam users you follow. You have affected yourself negatively and wasted a lot of time that yield no benefit. This is why you should prefer to go for natural growth of Twitter followers. Do not be obsessed with the number of followers you have. Having ten followers who genuinely follow you on Twitter is better than if you have a thousand followers who dont read your tweets and simply spam. There are countless spam users on Twitter. Having a huge number of followers will not make you or your blog a social media pow er-house. But a huge number of followers who actually follow you can make your blogging career exponentially grow.To achieve a natural growth in your Twitter followers, where real people read your tweets and visit your links you can promote your Twitter handle on your blog, on places where you guest post and on various other social networks like Facebook etc. But never be obsessed with mass following users.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Human Trafficking And The United States - 1417 Words
Each year about 17,500 individuals are brought into the United States and become victims of human trafficking. Every country has this problem and it has become the 3rd largest illegal industry worldwide. Human Trafficking is the trade of humans mainly for sexual slavery, but also forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker and sometimes others who take part in this act. Human trafficking is also used for organs or tissues, including surrogacy, ova removal, or making these victims spouses for traffickers or their customers. Human trafficking is defined as a sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act induced by force (isolation and confinement to the brothel: transportation to multiple locations for the trafficking network and occasional physical and sexual abuse), fraud (false promises of a better life), or coercion (the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats), or someone performing commercial sex under the age of 18. This is a crime that has newly risen to the public over the last decade and has been labeled as one of the most serious humanitarian crisis. Human trafficking is about profit. In 2004 the total annual income for trafficking in persons was estimated to be between $5 billion to $9 billion. Trafficking of children involves recruitment, transportation, etc. of children for the purpose of exploitation. Commercial sexual exploitation of children includes child prostitution and child pornography. IOMShow MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking And The United States1066 Words  | 5 PagesHuman trafficking has always been a though subject. Most Americans prefer to believe that this is a problem of the past, that it simply does not occur anymore. Others accept the fact that human trafficking exist, but in a far away reality, an incident homed only in poor, third world countries. This couldn’t be farther away from the truth. Human trafficking is a real and current problem in the United States, California being a hotspot for this issue, and with the Super Bowl in 2016 the problem willRead MoreHuman Trafficking And The United States962 Words  | 4 Pagestakes for cases to be prosecuted and to gain protections is very extensive. Intensifying the existing laws to better defend human trafficking victims is critical.The United States Government, in 2000, certified the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act. This act helps prosecute traffickers and support victims. Since then the number of recognized victims of trafficking has risen as well as trials and social service providers working with survivors. Because of this it gives researchers anRead MoreHuman Trafficking And The United States Essay1585 Words  | 7 PagesLooking the other way while close to 50% of the human trafficking in the United States end up in prostitution, what is going on in these states. The over sexed country does not help to stop it when we constantly promote sex in almost every aspect of life. People are losing their life to find a way to get to the United States through different forms of smuggling. Are these the people that we should be letting get in this country? Right under our nose the women, girls are being coerced into prostitutionRead MoreHuman Trafficking : The United States1740 Words  | 7 PagesHUMAN TRAFFICKING IN THE UNITED STATES: WHY SOME STATES HAVE MORE HUMAN TRAFFICKING CALLS THAN OTHERS INTRODUCTION Human trafficking is a growing endemic affecting an estimated 35.8 million men, women, and children around the world annually, as reported by the Global Slavery Index (GSI). The United States is not immune to this problem and has successfully identified 21,434 cases of human trafficking through the National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline since 2007. As with crimes of thisRead MoreHuman Trafficking : The United States1250 Words  | 5 Pagessomeone talks about child trafficking? Do you think of children from third world countries being kidnapped or sold into the black market of human trafficking? Most of us probably think of human trafficking as being an issue that poor countries just have but, that isn’t the case. Human trafficking is alive and sadly thriving in the United States. According to Trafficking Source Center, 5,544 cases of human trafficking were reported in the United States in 2015. With human trafficking being around for soRead MoreHuman Trafficki ng And The United States Essay751 Words  | 4 PagesFACT SHEET Human trafficking in the United States Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons or modern day slavery, is an affront to the most basic of human freedoms. Human trafficking is a crime that strikes at the very heart of the American promise: freedom. In response to this abhorrent crime, government agencies and nongovernmental organizations have formed strong and growing partnerships aimed at ending this violation of fundamental civil rights and human dignity. 1. WhatRead MoreHuman Trafficking in the United States1603 Words  | 6 Pagesother countries to people in the United States. Imports and exports to and from the U.S include products as wide ranged as food, clothes, and even people. Human trafficking is a worldwide problem, including the United States. Currently, there are approximately 20.9 million people enslaved throughout the world with 2.5 million located in the United States. About 14,500 - 17,500 of foreign nationals are trafficked into the United States every year (Human trafficking statistics). These statistics showRead MoreHuman Trafficking in the United States2403 Words  | 10 PagesHuman Trafficking The United States has always been known for sticking their nose in places where it does not belong. America has been part of wars that could have been avoided, scandals that had nothing to do with the United States. Millions of lives over the years could have been spared if America would have just simply stayed where they belong. What if though, America feels like they have to get involved in forging affairs if they think it can cause or is causing a problem on American soil orRead MoreHuman Trafficking : The United States2136 Words  | 9 PagesHuman trafficking is a prominent problem within the United States that is often overlooked. The definition of human trafficking is, â€Å"Human trafficking - the illegal practice of procuring or trading in human beings for the purpose of prostitution, forced labor, or other forms of exploitation†(â€Å"Human trafficking†). People in the United States believe that human trafficking is a problem that occurs in other less dev eloped countries compared to the United States. What these individuals do not realizeRead MoreHuman Trafficking And The United States1230 Words  | 5 Pagesaround 15,000 are trafficked in the United States. Half of those are children. Not all cases are reported, and there are few victims rescued in comparison to the millions that are still helpless each and every year. Human trafficking is an epidemic all across the world and many countries are doing all they can to stop it. But what about the United States; what are we doing to stop it and is what we’re doing enough? What is human trafficking? It is defined by the United Nations as â€Å"the recruitment, transportation
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Revolutionary War - 1688 Words
In 1776, Thomas Jefferson began writing, We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men were created equal... in the Declaration of Independence. He was explaining the reason people were opposing Britain, who was oppressing the colonies with taxes and trade limitations. He felt that the colonists weren t justly represented in Parliament, and hoped this article could amend the damage. Looking back at history, everyone knows that the Revolutionary War happened. Looking in the present, Americans are still being oppressed by the government in other ways besides taxes. State workers are now dealing with an oppressive government that is limiting their rights to negotiate. Current governor Scott Walker legislation, particularly 2011’s†¦show more content†¦About a year later, he announced the Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill, hoping it would close the deficit gap by limiting collective bargaining rights about salaries increases and cutting retirement fund payments for fed eral workers. If the law succeeded, Wisconsin would be able to close the deficit and get the budget back to pre 2008. As a result, many workers protested against the bill. The main controversy of the bill dealt with the limitation of collective bargaining for the majority of public workers, except the police department and the fire department. On page 896 of the Summary of Provisions of Act 10, the governor states his plan to cut spending by ... [Altering] the collective bargaining rights of public employees in Wisconsin, with the exception of certain protective under the WS retirement fund or under the city of Milwaukee County Retirement system. There is clear favoritism for the police and firefighters, otherwise there would have been no exceptions for any public worker. It further targets other workers, particularly teachers, with its definition of public workers; classifying all other municipal and public employees, including teachers and employees of the Wisconsin Technical Coll ege System (Act 10). The Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill had limited the essence of labor unions. The bill prevents them from collectively bargaining for anything, except wages (Act 10). Though they take circumstances and situations under
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effects Of Poverty On Middle Childhood Development
Poverty can have a strong influence on various kinds of development throughout middle childhood. It can alter socioemotional development, cognitive development, and physical health. (Evans, 2013). Parenting practices, neighborhoods, and overall environment play a significant role regarding to the emotional and physical health during development in middle childhood. Disruption with physical and emotional health could potentially cause harm to the child. In this essay, I will explain how poverty affects children throughout development and the different consequences that can occur. I will also discuss the many different factors that contribute to poverty. I have found that environment can have a rather serious effect on a person’s emotional and physical growth. Not only that, but children can show signs of developmental issues through academics as well. All of these issues have been looked at and researched by many different scholars. There are various data and evidence supporting the fact that poverty has a harsh impact on middle childhood development. Within the past 20 years poverty rates have risen among children of the United States. According to Duncan and Brooks-Gunn, â€Å"Poverty rates among U.S. children are one-third higher than they were two decades ago and 1.5 to 4 times as high as the rates for children in Canada and Western Europe (Rainwater and Smeeding 1995).†Rising poverty rates can negatively impact the United States’ economy. It is something that hasShow MoreRelatedBecoming A Licensed Clinical Social Worker1192 Words  | 5 Pagesalong with a genuine desire to improve the quality of the li ves of others. The University of Pittsburgh’s MSW program will not only offer a path of endless opportunities, but also supply me with an environment that will foster ongoing professional development and knowledge that will help me effectively sustain a position in the social work profession. I hope to contribute my consistent traits of love, compassion, empathy and patience for social services, and interventions to this social work programRead MoreA Family s Economic Deprivation Most Dominant Factor Of A Child s Health1305 Words  | 6 Pagesimpact the development of children? Key Research Findings: The article states that family income is the most dominant factor of a child’s cognitive development out of all other conventional measures such as ethnicity, female headship or maternal education. However income and economic status only has a faint connection and cannot be considered as synonyms. Moreover the duration and timing of economic deprivation has a strong correlation between the potential detriments on children’s development. ConverselyRead MorePoverty Is A Hot Topic On The Current World Of Politics1467 Words  | 6 PagesName and Section Number November 11, 2015 Growing in Poverty Poverty is currently not a hot topic in the current world of politics. Every candidate wants to tackle the upper or the middle class and often forget about those living in poverty. Poverty can affect anyone and effect everyone in our society. One may wonder what poverty is and why poverty is a big issue or does it have a large impact on our societies. Webster’s dictionary defines poverty as the state of one who lacks a usual or sociallyRead MoreChild Poverty And Academic Achievement1448 Words  | 6 Pages Child Poverty and Academic Achievement Francesca Diona University of San Francisco According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, over 16 million children (22%) in the United States live below the federal poverty level, which is $23,550 per year for a family of four. Research has shown that a family requires an income of about twice that amount just to cover basic needs and expenses. Using these statistics, 45% of children in the US live in low-incomeRead MoreThe Effects Of Self Regulation On Children s Behavior1497 Words  | 6 Pagesdifferences from infancy to middle childhood that confirmed the first study mentioned above. It showed that females are more fearful, have lower motor activity and show better self-regulation than boys. In addition, parents tend to differently evaluate boys’ and girls dimensions of temperaments. Boys are rated as higher in activity level, while girls are evaluated as higher in shyness and inhibitory control (Kiss, Fechete, Pop and Susa, 2014). Influences from early childhood have such a huge impactRead MoreHow Money Has A Direct Effect On Development1639 Words  | 7 Pageshomeless and in danger of disease and disaster. Studies are now proving that money has a direct effect on development that can lead to happiness later in life. Children who are malnourished are at risk for learning disabilities and health issues. Adults who are financially insecure are at risk for unhealthy relationships as well as health issues and a lack of mental health. Elderly who are living close to the poverty line are at risk for health complications as well as unstable living environments and aRead MoreUniversal School Based Violence Prevention Programs994 Words  | 4 PagesInterventions in promoting healthy development environment for children There is a general consensus that a life course approach to preventing mental disorders is the most effective policy that recognizes that there are key developmental stages and transition points, healthy start in the early years is of foundational importance. The following sub-sections deal with evidence-based early childhood programs widely practiced in countries. 4.1 Investment in Early Childhood Development (ECD) as a Health PromotionRead MorePoverty And Its Effects On Children Essay1111 Words  | 5 PagesEdgar Perez Mrs. Prince ENG 1113 16 November 2016 Poverty in America As of 2013 approximately 45 million people in America lived below the poverty line. In an average three-person household, an annual income of $20,090 is federally considered to be at poverty level. In the year of 2014, 44 percent of children under the age of 18 were living at or below the poverty level. Coming from a low economic standing can be detrimental for children’s physical and mental states. Pursuing a higher educationRead MoreChild Poverty And Its Effects On Children s Adjustment1473 Words  | 6 PagesChild poverty is a major issue in the United States. Poverty can be associated with violence, abuse, malnutrition, problems with learning ability and school achievement and inadequate healthcare, which can negatively affect the developmental process of a child. Poverty indirectly impacts children’s adjustment and the ability to successfully adapt in the environment. This can affect the health of children and lead to psychological disorders. While it seems imp ossible to completely eliminate childhoodRead MoreErik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages and Middle Childhood Development1596 Words  | 7 Pagesphysical, cognitive and social changes that are happening in middle childhood development. This paper will examine what these changes affect the child’s ability to function in society. This analysis will focus on the normal course of development in middle childhood as it applies to the theorist Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages and then give examples of what may happen if the developments are not carried out. In middle childhood (aged 6-12), the child will experience the Industry vs. Inferiority
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Scientific method Essay Example For Students
Scientific method Essay Scientists solve different problems all of the time, to make their problem solving easier they use the Scientific method Essay. The scientific method is a procedure of six steps they are stating the problem, collecting information, forming a hypothesis, preformiong experiments, analyzing the data, and making a conclusion. The first step to the scientific method is to stat the problem in which you wish to anwser. You can do this by asking a clear, amwserable question. The second step is collecting information on the question anwsered. You have to make observations and study the things on the question so you have more knowledge on After collectiong the information, scientists then form a hypothesis, or educated guess, on what the solution may be. A hypothesis may be very simple and limited and may be braod and complex depending on the situation. After forming a hypothesis, scientists then preform experiments to test it. In an experiment there is two almost idnetical set ups, but one contains a variable which is the Scientists then record and analyze the data gained from their experiments. They record the data by making graphs and charts. The final step is forming a conclusion. uk). Scientific method consists of five steps: observation, hypothesis, experiment, conclusion and scientific theory. You must identify your problem when doing observation. Second you must gather as much information about the problem as possible. Third you want to form a hypothesis. A hypothesis is an unproved explanation for a natural event. Based on observation a hypothesis is a scientist best explanation. One reason why hypothesis is so important is because it is the comparison for experimental data. Next you have experiments, which is basically testing your hypothesis. Deductive reasoning includes the logic of the experiment and pretty much making a prediction on supported studies. Inductive and Deductive reasoning differ by the fact that inductive reasoning is based on experience or observation, while deductive reasoning is based on laws, rules or other widely accepted principles. The final step to scientific method is the conclusion. Scientist must analyze the data in order to reach a conclusion as to whether the hypothesis is supported or not. The main goal of science is to distinguish the necessary from the not so necessary. In doing this, science distinguished laws from theories. A theory is an axiomatic system constituting a self-contained world. A law is what is real within-constituent of- an axiomatic system, and an accidental generalization is untrue within- not constituent of- an axiomatic system. Since a statistically significant correlation can be real in one axiomatic system and unreal in another, what is a law in one axiomatic system need not be a law in another system. (Godels Proof 27) A scientific law is usually a statement of fact that is meant to explain a set of action. Scientific laws are generally accepted to be true and universal. An example of a law would be the laws of thermodynamics. A scientific theory in many ways is like a law. Theory is an explanation or a set of action based on a hypothesis. The difference between scientific theory and scientific law is that the theory is more complicated. A law is about a single action, whereas theory explains the entire series of actions. In general both scientific theory and scientific law are both used and accepted by scientist world wide. One major topic in biology today that is misunderstood is stem cell research. Many people believe that stem cells only come from human embryos but this in fact false. They also come straight from bone marrow. Stem cell research was initially conducted by using brain cells, since then bone marrow has followed. It wasnt until scientist realized that human embryos could be used that it became controversial. Anti-abortionist claim stem cell research is taking a human life. In the past two years, scientists have found many different ways to derive stem cells from adults. Therefore no longer needing to use the stem cells of embryos. My thought on stem cell research is that it is wrong to use stem cells from embryos. Adult stem cell research is fine, but taking a babys life is against my beliefs. .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff , .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff .postImageUrl , .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff , .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff:hover , .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff:visited , .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff:active { border:0!important; } .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff:active , .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucbaf025dd339a41aafa0da8fc9946cff:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Prevention of HIV Transmittance to Babies EssayWorks Cited Mader, Sylvia S. Biology 8th ed .New York, New York: Mcgraw-Hill Publishing, 2004 Michael, James Scientific Method Ernest Nagel and James R. Newman, Godels Proof (New York: New York University Press, 1986) 27. .
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Dally Oustiders Essay Example
Dally Oustiders Paper When Pony describes him, he writes, He had been arrested, he got drunk, he rode in rodeos, lied, cheated, stole, rolled drunks, Jumped small kids he did everything. I didnt like him, but he was smart, and you had to respect him(13). Evidently Dally is dangerous. He is also intelligent by means of law-breaking. The record he built has proved that he does not respect anyone. In fact, he does not even respect the law. For example, when Pony, Johnny, and Dally go to the theater, Pony writes, We all had money to get in it only costs a quarter if your not In a AR but Dally hated doing things the legal way. He liked to prove he didnt care there was a law or not. He went around trying to break the law(21). Dally uses his police record to his advantage, and goes around breaking the law to show how tough he Is. This is to cope with his insecurity that may be a result of something unexplained In the book. He uses a rebellious mask deal the pain or Insecurity. Nearing the end of the book, however, he changes. By the end of Dallas life, his mask Is lifted. HIS carefree attitude toward other people changes when Johnny admits he wants to turn himself In: noon get hardened In Jail. We will write a custom essay sample on Dally Oustiders specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Dally Oustiders specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Dally Oustiders specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I dont want that to happen to you. Like It happened to me(80). Dally shows feelings and cares for Johnny, unlike he has for anyone else In the gang. Towards the end of Johnnys life, Dally shows more emotion that was not expressed at the start of the book. Pony writes, Whirling suddenly, [Dally] slammed back and sweat streamed down his face Oh damned Johnny, dont die, please dont del(130). Dally Is practically begging for Johnny to survive. It Is a rare occasion for Dally to beg. Besides that, Dally Is begging for someone else, not himself, proving he has changed. Later, when Dally Is murdered, the gang, as well as the readers, see his breaking point. Dallas Winston was a persistent, rebellious, young man who despite all of this, can still be human. When the only thing he loved died, he did what he thought was right. He died gallantly for Johnny. Even though a normal person would not put themselves out to die, Dally thought that was the best way to end things. He could not cope with the fact Johnny was dead, but could cope with his family rejecting him, UT he changed. He changed as a result of an action. That Is the meaning of a dynamic character. HIS personality did change. He would have never purposefully died for anyone, even himself, but In a twisted way he died for Johnny. Dally did transform. Dally Striders By goalkeepers everything. I didnt like him, but he was smart, and you had to respect Pony writes, We all had money to get in it only costs a quarter if your not in a record to his advantage, and goes around breaking the law to show how tough he is. This is to cope with his insecurity that may be a result of something unexplained in the book.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Free Essays on Prophet Nahum
The subject of this report is to show the significance of the prophet Nahum. He was an active prophet in Southern Israel during the 7th century B.C. During this time he preached against the Assyrians. The Assyrians disliked Nahum because he preached about the destruction of Nineveh, which is the capitol of Assyria. He preached this message to show that God did not like depression of his two nations, that the Assyrians had oppressed. Similar leaders who preach the same message, like Nelson Mandela, are found today. These civil rights leaders believe, like Nahum and God, that everyone should be given freedom and no one oppressed. The name â€Å"Nahum†which means comfort or consolation is significant since that is what he will bring to Judah through his message about the destruction of Nineveh, and who is related to Jonah who prophesied 150 years earlier against Nineveh, and who is also the seventh of the so- called minor prophets, prophesies the death of the Assyrian Empire and the destruction of Nineveh its capitol. Although it is impossible to determine a specific date for Nahum’s ministry, but we can assume that it was written before 612 B.C. because that is when Nineveh was destroyed and since Nahum is predicting, the destruction of Nineveh would be a okay assumption. We can also assume that it was written after 663 B.C. because Nahum compares the destruction of Nineveh with the destruction of Thebes in Egypt which was destroyed in 663 B.C. So with these facts, we know that Nahum probably wrote between the years 663 and 612 B.C. The only place we know about where Nahum is found in Nahum 1:1 which says he was from Elkosh. But there is no facts about where that was at because it is not mentioned elsewhere in the Bible. It is also impossible that Elkosh was located somewhere in Judah because it was never mentioned anywhere else in the Bible besides in Nahum 1:1. Nahum preached against the Assyrian... Free Essays on Prophet Nahum Free Essays on Prophet Nahum The subject of this report is to show the significance of the prophet Nahum. He was an active prophet in Southern Israel during the 7th century B.C. During this time he preached against the Assyrians. The Assyrians disliked Nahum because he preached about the destruction of Nineveh, which is the capitol of Assyria. He preached this message to show that God did not like depression of his two nations, that the Assyrians had oppressed. Similar leaders who preach the same message, like Nelson Mandela, are found today. These civil rights leaders believe, like Nahum and God, that everyone should be given freedom and no one oppressed. The name â€Å"Nahum†which means comfort or consolation is significant since that is what he will bring to Judah through his message about the destruction of Nineveh, and who is related to Jonah who prophesied 150 years earlier against Nineveh, and who is also the seventh of the so- called minor prophets, prophesies the death of the Assyrian Empire and the destruction of Nineveh its capitol. Although it is impossible to determine a specific date for Nahum’s ministry, but we can assume that it was written before 612 B.C. because that is when Nineveh was destroyed and since Nahum is predicting, the destruction of Nineveh would be a okay assumption. We can also assume that it was written after 663 B.C. because Nahum compares the destruction of Nineveh with the destruction of Thebes in Egypt which was destroyed in 663 B.C. So with these facts, we know that Nahum probably wrote between the years 663 and 612 B.C. The only place we know about where Nahum is found in Nahum 1:1 which says he was from Elkosh. But there is no facts about where that was at because it is not mentioned elsewhere in the Bible. It is also impossible that Elkosh was located somewhere in Judah because it was never mentioned anywhere else in the Bible besides in Nahum 1:1. Nahum preached against the Assyrian...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
The Financier Alwaleed bin Talal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Financier Alwaleed bin Talal - Assignment Example l who is currently fifty years old has being able to amass a lot of wealth since the year 1979 after finishing his university education and the latest Forbes ranking placed him as the 26th richest man in the world with a net worth reported to be approximately US $20 billion. Al Waleed Talal’s main investment vehicle is his Kingdom Holding Company where he owns 96% of the total shareholding. Khan (2005) further wrote that despite being a member of the Saudi’s royal family, Al Waleed Talal early childhood was not that rosy since a single mother raised him and this could be perhaps among the driving forces that have propelled him to be a successful man. According to Khan (2005), among the personal initiatives of Al Waleed Talal that have shaped him to become the most prominent Arab businessperson and investor is the military training that he received upon finishing high school that can be assumed made him a strict business man who is fully active on all of his business ventures. According to Khan (2005), the military training hardened him as a person and hence the reason why despite being a member of the Saudi royal family, he is the only member who has been able to amass a lot of wealth on his own, and even become the most influential Arab in the world. According to Khan (2005), in the business world Al Waleed Talal personal character is seen as an aggressive investor eager to tap on potential opportunities that may appear non-lucrative at the time, such as buying Citigroup’s shares while the company was in crisis. Al Waleed Talal is a philanthropic businessperson and through his foundation, he has made numerous donations mostly in a bid to further Islamic education in the world. Al Waleed Talal’s successful career has also being shaped up by his professional initiatives that have given him the skills required to run a successful business and even become a successful businessperson. To begin with, Khan (2005) stated that Al Waleed Talal has a Bachelor of
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Writing an open MEMO Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Writing an open MEMO - Term Paper Example Having been dismissed three times, De La Campa still insists that she was discriminated against and her supervisors said words that were against her gender. Yes she has a case since the words spoken to her by her supervisor and employer are sexually discriminating and she therefore needs justice Answer No in these cases, first De La Campa appeals against her case with her employer and supervisors about her sexual arrestment. Having gone to three courts both dismissing her cases against her supervisors as containing no intentional inflictions of any emotional distress on De La Campa based on her sexual orientation. In this case, De La Campa alleges that Garcia and Teixeira subjected her to a pervasive and severe pattern of sexual harassment. This included and not limited to comments that were derogatory that were homosexually related, unwelcoming abusive conducts and acts that were directed to her due to her sexual orientation, and since she asked for her right to work freely without discrimination, all these were given to her. She claims that Teixeira advised her that Grifols was not very pleased by the way that she was sexually oriented and that this could lead to her termination. She also claims that she was excluded from social functions and corporate sponsored functions due to her sexual orientation.... CREAC [Contention] De La Campa has a case against her employer and her supervisors due to the harassment that she got from her sexual orientation and the exclusion that she got from her sexual orientation. It is also evident from the actions of the employers that threatened the termination of De La Campa that she was going to be terminated due to her sexual orientation. . Aguilera also has a case due to the injury that she got from the machines that were operated by the company. Mrs. McCarson is also entitled to sue the insurance company for failing to pay for her medication yet she had been insured. [Rule] The only element of the Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress tort that is in dispute is the â€Å"outrageous†element. The Florida Supreme Court defines an outrageous conduct as a conduct that is â€Å"so outrageous in character, and so extreme in degree, as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency.†Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. McCarron, 467 So.2d 277, 2 79 (Fla.1985) (adopting standard set forth in the Restatement (Second) of Torts, section 46 cmt. d (1965) for evaluating claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress). What constitutes outrageous conduct is a question for the trial court to determine as a matter of law. Johnson v. Thigpen, 788 So.2d 410, 413 (Fla. 1st DCA 2001). [Explanation] from this it is clear that a person is guilty of sexual discrimination only if he/she does anything that s considered outrageous and that goes beyond any possible bounds of decency. It is very important to consider an act as outrageous since this will be the factor to make the employer guilty or not. Due to the distress that De La Campa experienced, it is evident that she has a case here
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Road to IELTS General Training Essay Example for Free
Road to IELTS General Training Essay A guide for effective letter writing; an article giving advice for Job interviews Writing (1): Writing (2): Practice exercises for letters giving advice Practice exercises for compositions discussing arguments for and against Speaking: Video clips and practice exercises for talking about a topic in Part 2 of the Speaking Unit 3: Travel, tourism transport Words: Phrases to talk about traffic-related problems and solutions; words and about a tribe of Native Americans Page | 1 www. ClarityEnglish. com Clarity Language Consultants Ltd, 2009 Reading: A brochure about the quickest way to get from Heathrow Airport to central London; an article about backpacking Writing (1): Practice exercises for letters asking for information Writing (2): Practice exercises for compositions giving an opinion Speaking: Video clips and practice exercises for taking part in a discussion in Part 3 of the Speaking Test Unit 4: Environment Words: Words and phrases to talk about environmental problems and geographical features Listening: A conversation about adopting a zoo animal; a lecture about the structure of the Earth Reading: An article about making plastic; an article about a danger to a variety of birds Writing (1): Writing (2): Practice exercises for writing letters of complaint Practice exercises for compositions discussing the causes of a problem and suggesting solutions Speaking: Video clips and practice exercises for answering general questions about yourself in Part 1 of the Speaking Test Unit 5: Art culture Words: Words and phrases to talk about art, cinema, theatre and national treasures Listening: A telephone conversation about booking theatre tickets; a lecture on the history of British cinema Reading: A catalogue from a book store; an article discussing tourist information for Bath, in southwest England Writing (1): Writing (2): Practice exercises for letters giving information Pr actice exercises for compositions exercises for talking about a topic in Part 2 of the Speaking Test Page | 2 www. ClarityEnglish. com Clarity Language Consultants Ltd, 2009 Unit 6: Mass Media Words: Words and phrases to talk about television, newspapers and Jobs in the media Listening: A talk given by a guide to visitors to a media museum; a conversation about news consumption Reading: A brochure about SummerSkill Sydney; an article about the press Writing (1): Practice exercises for writing letters saying thank you Writing (2): Practice exercises for compositions discussing arguments for and against Speaking: Video clips and practice exercises for taking part in a discussion in Part 3 of the Speaking Test Words: Words and phrases to talk about medical conditions and symptoms; food- elated vocabulary; words to talk about the causes, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases Listening: A talk about keeping healthy in winter; a conversation about insects and human diseases Reading: An article about keeping your teeth healthy; an article about food and health myths Writing (1): Writing (2): Practice exercises for letters of apology Practice exercises for compositions g iving an opinion Speaking: Video clips and practice exercises for answering general questions about yourself in Part 3 of the Speaking Test Unit 8: Work business Words: Verbs we use at work and words and phrases to talk about a variety of work- related issues Listening: A talk about writing a CY, a conversation about changes in womens employment Reading: A brochure about working at a funfair; an article about the first ball Page | 3 www. ClarityEnglish. com Clarity Language Consultants Ltd, 2009 Writing (1): Writing (2): Practice exercises for letters of application Practice exercises for compositions discussing the causes of a problem and suggesting solutions Speaking: Video clips and practice exercises for talking about a topic in Part 2 of the Speaking Test Unit 9: Society ; social issues Words: Words and phrases to talk about social issues and crime and punishment Listening: A telephone conversation between a student and a campus security officer about a burglary; a lecture about old age and society Reading: An article about Neighbourhood Watch schemes; an article about changes in life expectancy Writing (1): Writing (2): Speaking: Revision exercises for Writing Task 1 Revision exercises
Monday, January 20, 2020
Clockwork Tales :: Clockwork Tales Short Story Essays
Clockwork Tales Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-TONG! .............. "Yeah, I finally got that damn clock to stop," the man mumbled happily. "Now I can sit here and read in peace." He picked up his copy of Canterbury Tales, aching to find the insight that his professor swore was kept hidden within. He started once again. The Miller's Tale. "Hmm, I wonder how long it is." He started to flip through the pages one by one, counting them off. "One, two, three, four, five, . . . seventeen. Well, that's not so bad. If I could just get started on it." He looked down and started to read. "Whan that the Knight hadde thus his tale ytold." Tick-tock, tick-tock. "Dammit!" He jumped up out of the easy chair, and in doing so sent his literature book cascading across the room. "Damned clock. I'll show you what's up." The poor clock really didn't know what to make of this. After all, it was just sitting there, doing its job of counting the seconds, minute after minute, hour after hour. It was a good little clock. It was about the size of a baseball, and it's brass plating was polished to a gleaming shine. It fancied itself as attractive. People loved it. No one had ever told it to shut up before. This was all brand new to it. It wanted the man to be happy. It really did. But the man was far from that at the moment. His fair skinned face was mottled and flushed with rage. His blond hair was tousled and unkept, and looked as though he had just woken up. His shirt was untucked from his jeans in various spots, almost making him look like a bum. The clock ticked to itself again as the man stepped closer. It was still vaguely upset at the shoe that had been thrown at it a few minutes before. Violence just wasn't the answer, the clock believed. If you just waited, time would solve everything. It was inev itable. The man was just a few steps away now, and the clock was frightened. What would this man do to him? Would he tear out his gears, pull out his plugs, or would he merely smash him into the fireplace he was resting on, ending it all with single forceful blow. The clock's ticking sped up ever so slightly, half a second instead of a whole.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Lab report Essay
Preparation is a key to success in this lab. For this reason, you are required to thoroughly read through the experiment information presented in the lab manual, and complete a pre-lab for each experiment you do. The prelab must be completed prior to the day of the experiment. Each Friday I will ask to see your completed prelab before I allow you to enter the lab. If you have not finished the pre-lab, I will not allow you to enter the lab and you will receive a zero. Note: Your prelab/lab report is to be done in your carbon copy lab notebook (sold in FIU bookstore) A complete pre lab has the following sections: I. Title of the experiment This is the name of the experiment as written in your lab manual. (ex. Experiment 1: MEASUREMENTS AND DENSITY DETERMINATION) II. Purpose or Objective (purpose and objective are the same thing) This section should be a couple of sentences SUMMARIZING why you are doing this experiment. This must be in your own words. (ex. For your first experiment on density determination and measurements your objective would be something like : †To become familiar with scientific measurements and the importance of recording measurements accurately and precisely. Also, to explore the concept of density, mass , and volume.†) III. Introduction In this section, in your own words you should discuss the important concepts of the lab. You should try to make this section flow from one concept to the next. You should make sure to include any important formulas mentioned in your lab manual for that particular experiment. (ex. A good way to organize an introduction for the density determination experiment would be something along the lines of: Experimental sciences such as chemistry, use measurements to quantify information about the physical world. Density, which shows the relationship between the mass of an object and its volume is an example of one such concept. The formula used to calculate the density of an object is D=M/V†¦. ) **What I want you to pay attention to in the above example is that I have extracted information from the lab manual and condensed it into a logical paragraph that explains some of the important concepts. Notice that I did not include any â€Å"fluff†(useless information to make my intro duction longer.) Remember that there is no minimum length for any of your sections so you don’t have to worry about adding in anything that is not pertinent to the lab (unless you actually want to include some background info to help develop your ideas.) IV. Procedure This section should be concise. List each step of the procedure in either numbered format or you can use bullet points. Remember to always use PASSIVE language when writing lab reports. Never use I placed HCl into a 50mL beaker, instead say 50 mL HCl was placed in a 50 mL beaker. (ex. 1. Wash a 50mL beaker with deionized water 2. Into a 50mL beaker, add 2mL HCl etc†¦you get the point. ) Tip! If you look at your lab notebook, you will notice that there is a line down the middle of the page. When writing your procedure it is in your best interest to list your procedure on the left side (leaving a space between each step) so that you can list observations on the right side of the page when you’re performing the experiment, however, this is only a suggestion and not a requirement. V. Data As part of your pre-lab you must have all data tables already copied into your lab notebook. These tables have already been provided for you in your lab manual, so all you are required to do is copy them (neatly please) directly into your notebook. Recap: In order to be let into the lab you must have completed your pre-lab. Your pre-lab consists of the following five sections listed above (title, purpose, introduction, procedure and all data tables provided for you in the lab manual.) Remember that after you complete the experiment and you have recorded all of your data, you must complete the following sections: calculations (if any), discussion, and results. Check your lab manual for more information on what to include in these sections. Post lab instructions: Once you have completed an experiment you must complete a lab report. A complete lab report consists of the sections you completed as part of your prelab and a few additional sections which I will detail below. Lab reports are due exactly one week from the day you complete the lab. If you are making up a lab, your lab report is still due one week from the day YOUR LAB SECTION completed the lab. If you have any questions about this, please ask me 🙂 All labs must be turned in by 6 pm. If you choose to turn in your lab after class you have to get it time stamped from the stock room before you place it in my mailbox. If you fail to get it time stamped, I will consider it late and points will be deducted accordingly. Post lab sections to be completed after you have done the lab: VI. Calculations You will have to do calculations for some if not all of your experiments. If they are required, your lab manual will let you know. VII. Discussion (a.k.a conclusion) This is the most important section of your lab report. In this section you should discuss and tie together the concepts and theory discussed in the introduction. This section should include the results of your experiment, a brief discussion of any graphs you had to generate, identity of your unknown (if applicable) etc. Make sure to explain if these were the results you expected and why. If not, list possible sources of error. REMEMBER there is no minimum length required so you can make this section as long or short as you find necessary to cover all the important aspects of your experiment. If you need help with any part of your lab report please email me or come see me during help hour. I’m here to help you and I want you all to do well in this lab!
Saturday, January 4, 2020
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